Why children need to brush twice a day?

Everyone needs to brush twice daily; children are no exception, because it is the formative and habit-forming years that make brushing vitally important. Brushing twice-a-day helps remove bad bacteria and curbs plaque formation, which encourages tooth decay and various gum diseases. It is strongly recommended that every child brush their teeth twice-a-day – in the morning and before going to bed.

Why children and adults need different toothpaste?

Children’s toothpaste must contain the right amount of fluoride content that’s suitable for their age, specifically their primary teeth. Children also dislike sharp flavors like mint, which can be harsh on their palate. Children tend to favor more subtle flavors, colors and smells. Children are more familiar with bubble gum, fruit flavors, etc. All these factors make it important to invest in toothpaste specifically designed and formulated with kids in mind.  

How does tooth decay impact children?

Tooth decay can cause pain and infection. It can even affect children’s growth. Severe decay in baby teeth can have serious consequences for your child’s nutrition, speech and jaw development.

How does xylitol help in fighting tooth decay?

Xylitol is a natural sweetening agent that bacteria are unable to digest unlike other sweeteners (sucrose, fructose, saccharin).It has non-acidogenic (acid fighting) and non-cariogenic (cavity fighting) properties. It is used to improve dental health, xylitol tastes sweet but unlike sugar, it protects rather than damages teeth. It inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans (the bacteria most closely associated with tooth decay).

What causes cavities in children?

Cavities are caused by bad bacteria, foods and acids. Foods with sugars and starches in them, like candy, soda, cake, juices, milk, and cereals feed acid producing bacteria in your child’s mouth. The acids break down tooth enamel and cause cavities. All this can be inhibited by good oral hygiene habits. 

Why 10% xylitol?

Ten percent xylitol has been back by clinical research. 

Why fluoride and why 458 ppm ?

Bacteria combined with sugars create acid that erodes teeth; fluoride protects teeth against this process called demineralization. Fluoride promotes remineralization. During re-mineralisation process fluoride brings calcium and phosphate ions to the tooth to create to new surface area which is acid resistant. Thus, increases the concentration of fluoride on enamel surface and prevents caries attack through the action of fluoride, 458 ppm is perfect for the absorption in children. 

Why so many flavors?

We understand the challenge of getting kids to brush their teeth. Children respond better to color, smell, taste, texture and visual appeal. Choices given to children make brushing interesting or fun; and helps educate and encourage children to brush every day. It also emboldens to know they have a choice. There is no difference in the chemical formulation of the various flavors. 

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PediflorKidz Supports

Abhaya is a pan-India project committed to creating awareness on the importance of women’s oral health & ways to improve their overall health. It is led by the Indian Dental Association and supported by Group Pharma.
We are here to light every women’s smile in the country

PediflorKidz is a specially designed toothpaste for children to prevent cavities and fight tooth decay. It is the only toothpaste with 10% Xylitol and 458 ppm Fluoride guaranteed in every tube.